Hope as an Anchor

Lately I’ve felt weighted down by a lot of unknowns. My mind has become a whirlpool of swirling negative outcomes. I’ve felt discouraged and let down. I’ve been looking down instead of up and I’ve lost my focus. I’ve lost sight of my anchor. Hebrews 16:9 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for READ MORE

A Fresh Season

This week I celebrated my 29th birthday. My family took me away on a little vacation where we got to relax and spend time in wine country and by the seaside. This week also marked the start of spring, my favorite season. Both of these things got me thinking about the seasons we face throughout READ MORE

Be Not Dismayed

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit down, burdened by stress and anxiety and just a general sense of defeat. It’s hard to admit when you’re in a place like this. You wonder why your mood is so low when you know your faith is strong. Like the psalmist says, “Why are you cast down, O READ MORE

In the Waiting

I’ve been searching for a job for a long time now. Searching and praying and waiting… and waiting. I’ve questioned God in frustration many a time, not understanding why some good job opportunities passed me by. I’ve struggled with self-doubt and disappointments and rejections. But through it all, I still held on to this promise: READ MORE

Inside the Storm

Sometimes it feels like the world is falling out from under your feet. You receive some life-altering news and now you’re left floundering – wondering what on earth to do. When you’re launched into a storm, your first instinct might be to try and outrun it, or perhaps you hunker down, waiting for the worst. READ MORE

In Deep Waters

On the dark days, when the clouds are crowding in and my spirit is floundering, my lament to the Lord echoes Psalm 69:1-3 NIV: “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; READ MORE