As Valentine’s Day approaches, I’m reminded of an acrostic poem I wrote several years ago. It was about how Jesus is the ultimate VALENTINE! And truly He is!
Values every one of us
Accepts us through grace
Lover of our souls
Ever present comfort
Never breaks His promises
Takes away our pain and sorrow
Inspires hope and joy within us
Nothing is impossible with Him
Extends the gift of eternal life
Psalm 86:5 echoes my own thoughts, “O Lord, You are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for Your help.” (NLT) “Let Your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in You alone.” (Psalm 33:22 NLT)
To be sure, the Lord loves us with an unconditional, all encompassing love! How amazing it is to know the depths of His love! “How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” (Psalm 139:17 ESV) “But each day the Lord pours His unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing His songs, praying to God who gives me life.” (Psalm 42:8 NLT)
This Valentine’s Day, I hope that you will reflect on the great love God has for you – so great that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross so you could be forgiven of all sin and someday make your home in Heaven with Him. To be loved so immensely is hard to comprehend, but let’s rest in the knowledge that we are His beloved. Like the psalmist says, “I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.” (Psalm 52:8 ESV)
I will sing of the Lord’s unfailing love forever!
Psalm 89:1 NLT
What a beautiful poem as a reminder that He is truly our loving Heavenly Father and Jesus is our ultimate Valentine❣️
Thanks again for sharing your beautiful gift of writing to encourage and uplift my soul😇
I love this poem! It is such a good reminder of just how Loved we are by our creator! It also reminds me of the child-like wonder we should have when looking to our Heavenly Father. I remember writing poems like these in grade school and being excited to present them to loved ones. They are such a great way to be reminded of someone’s character. Yours reminds me of God’s never ending love a reminder that is always welcome! I’ll never be able to fully comprehend God’s love for me, but I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to accept it!.