Be Still

Somedays life can leave us feeling defeated. Run down. Weary. At a loss for what to do next. Whatever the circumstances may be, we wish we weren’t in them. We wish things were different. We ponder and plead with God, who answers our cries with one simple, yet profound phrase: “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10 NIV)

Be still… Be still and know. Calm your beating heart and rest your sweating brow and be at peace in this moment. Tune in to the here and now and sense God’s presence in your soul. Be still and know that He is God. Let the enormity of that truth sink into your weary bones. God is in control. God oversees it all. God is with you today, tomorrow, and forever more. Even when you’re at the end of your rope, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14 NIV)

Let this deeply personal reflection reassure you that God cares for you. He is watching over you even in the midst of your turmoil or grief. When it is all just too much to bear call upon Jesus. Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him…” (NIV) Wait upon the Lord. He will provide. Be still and know that He is God.

Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10 NIV

One thought on “Be Still

  1. Sandy says:

    We have just started Lent and are seeking stillness in the desert. Thank you for your reflection. One of my favorite Scriptures for this time of year is Hosea 2:14. “….I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.” Recently I heard a fitting description of our lives being a “dictatorship of noise”. Too often silence seems to be the last place I go instead of the first. Trying to be more intentional about finding spaces for silence and recollection. Always look forward to your weekly blog! 😊

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